Thursday, 1 January 2009

The most important list of the year

Hello hello people and good morning :D ehehehhe
We are in 2009!!
My god... i cannot think that a year is already went... so much things and...
From my illness to ice skating, from the end of college to the begin of a new life...
and Berlin, with C.
and new friends (i <3 u M. A. L. and R. ;) )
and new perspectives, new feelings... my god...
i have o say that my life is totally changed in 2008. maybe too much. sometimes i feel myself totally lost

But now is the time to do the fateful list...

1. pass the semester
2. don't re-begin to smoke
3. reduce the stress
4. don't spend sooo much for fashion (impossible.. but it s the thought that counts.. doesn't it? eheh)
5. continue to be a good girl
6. search a job
7. adopt another children (from distance)

in this moment i don't have so much ideas... but... maybe in the futur i'll uptade the list. is never too late to do good things!!

Happy nw year one more time!
And enjoy all the good things and moments and all! =)

with love,

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