and it is the case of this week: thursday in Colony, yesterday Elephant and MAYBE today in Casablanca.
In Co i had a lot of fun, especially beacuse we spoke about some topics that are a little bit out of the ordinary.
for example:
a question for a guy: if u have a girlfriend and she kiss..or something more..with another GIRL, is it treason?
or... are more sexy girls who you can see the constrast of the bikini zone, or better if she is totally tan?
But today i want to speak about something that i find very very irritant...
when u wake up in the morning, smiling and thinking that today is gonna be all ok, and u have a lot of good intentions for this day and for the future, short-terme, and then u call someone or u just speake with someone and everything falls to the gorund...
this makes me nervous!!!
but now... i'm a buddah :D i cannot lost my smile and be angry and all... now! it can be bad for the healty, too..

so, just smile and live. but don't love. no!
love hurts.
so, people, it's time for me to work for school, now. but, please, continue to read my blog!
:) promise?
xoxo, ur smiling girl
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