Befor I forget ..
Merry Xmassss to all!!
I know that there isn't soo much people who read here.. but...
Today? Ya!! Studied!
And... mh...
And... mhh.. anything else :D
This evening I can open my gifts! (Yes, I did the good girl this year! like ever!)
After.. if the champaign stille gives me the opportunity to do so, I come here and i write what i recived...
There is only one thing that i cannot good understand...
WHY there isn't a gift with a human form?
i asked a MAN!!! (et voilä la conclusion!!!) (not only one.. but minimum one!!)
And there isn't A man here.. only my father...but he isn't a man x me!
A. s tooootally saaaad :(:(:((((( buuu...
Bax Bax
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