Today was a shopping day, too (like yesterday :D )
What did i buy?
we begin from the beginning.. (ehhe my english.. nc)
there are so much things that i love very very much,,, and there are some things that make me crazy:
*at the third position: hair circle (i have 25-30 different kind...)
*at the second position: music (the good music, of course!)
*at the FIRST POSITION: ehehhe :P Lingerie xD
Every day can i buy new underwears.. but not something like "CK" .. i don't like it...
My favourites are:
- Intimissimi (italian)
- Agent Provocateur (<3)
- La Perla
But tehre is a loooong list ehehhe
I know that i have nobody to show it.. but i think that a girl can feel very good with herself when she wear something sexy, everyday (not to go to migros..but... ehehe)
No one should necessary see it!!! On the contrary... it's like a secret.
So wear something sexy can be good for the humor!
What do u think about it?
(this question is for the girls... cuz the men i think that alway agree, when a girl always something sexy wears ... isn't so?)
Now I just want to say... happy new year people!! i know that it is a little bit soon... but i think that i don't write more for tonight!
happyyyyyyyyyyy go lucky (?what?)
Enjoy all.. don't drink to much.. and remember to wear something (sexy) and RED ... bring luck!! doesn't it? ehehe
Baci & Abbracci :P
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Welcome back!
Today It's better... but just a little.. yesterday was sooo cold... and i kept cold.. and now i'm sick and ill and all... eheheh
not much fiever but :(:( arggg!!!
I want to say thx to I. for yesterday evening!
It was nice, and i relally needed some company... I seriously think too much... and my brain -->> BOOOOOMMMMM ehhehe
then i become sad and then i cannot learn ood and the more sad and ... ya!
Tday is mathe and repi-Kkarten Day:
this means that I did already this morning the mathe summaries! And now only exercice and.. :D
When I don't keep a good note in mathe.. i think that i can kill somebody -___-
Have a nice day, cuz here is a biiiig s****** ... -7°C :S
I'm scary to go out... ehehhe
Today It's better... but just a little.. yesterday was sooo cold... and i kept cold.. and now i'm sick and ill and all... eheheh
not much fiever but :(:( arggg!!!
I want to say thx to I. for yesterday evening!
It was nice, and i relally needed some company... I seriously think too much... and my brain -->> BOOOOOMMMMM ehhehe
then i become sad and then i cannot learn ood and the more sad and ... ya!
Tday is mathe and repi-Kkarten Day:
this means that I did already this morning the mathe summaries! And now only exercice and.. :D
When I don't keep a good note in mathe.. i think that i can kill somebody -___-
Have a nice day, cuz here is a biiiig s****** ... -7°C :S
I'm scary to go out... ehehhe
Monday, 29 December 2008
A. and the problems of the life :D
I have to say: i'm not sooo sad...
it's only cuz today I learned not sooo much.. only 40 kkarten :(
and I have only 170 of Bwl learned..
and now? I'm ill! I think that yesterday with moving here I kept cold... with my bags... I had 7 times the trip Car - Flat..
:( I need someone who takes care of me :(
and Titino isn't here.. is in Germany with Lisaaaa :(((( buuuuuu
I cry ehehehe
Good evening. Don't do too much x school ;)
it's only cuz today I learned not sooo much.. only 40 kkarten :(
and I have only 170 of Bwl learned..
and now? I'm ill! I think that yesterday with moving here I kept cold... with my bags... I had 7 times the trip Car - Flat..
:( I need someone who takes care of me :(
and Titino isn't here.. is in Germany with Lisaaaa :(((( buuuuuu
I cry ehehehe
Good evening. Don't do too much x school ;)
Today I'm sad..
I cannot say it. Not here...
But M. knows why, don't u bella?
=) I'm so happy that today I saw u! I missed u soo much!!
I cannot say it. Not here...
But M. knows why, don't u bella?
=) I'm so happy that today I saw u! I missed u soo much!!
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Ipod top 10
I know that can be...
But the stuff and things that are here, are very important for me :)
Now I want to show my favourites somgs..
Voilà the top 10 in my ip0d:
1. Elegy for Dunkirk - Dario Marianelli (he's my favourite artist)
2. Adagio - Secret Garden (my ex music for ice skating.. it was really superb..)
3. La piovra - Ennio Morricone (my second favourite)
4. Assassin's Tango - John Powell
5. That's Amore - Frank Sinatra
6. Suddently I see - Ugly Betty Soundtrack
7. El Capitalismo - Gotan Project
8. Le Mepris - Georges Delerue
9. Turn me On - Nora Jones
10. Black & Gold - Sam Sparro
Obviously every song hat its own meaning ;) Ok.. Its time to eat! Byebye A. Ps.. in the next post --> a special video! (if i understand how it works...)
But the stuff and things that are here, are very important for me :)
Now I want to show my favourites somgs..
Voilà the top 10 in my ip0d:
1. Elegy for Dunkirk - Dario Marianelli (he's my favourite artist)
2. Adagio - Secret Garden (my ex music for ice skating.. it was really superb..)
3. La piovra - Ennio Morricone (my second favourite)
4. Assassin's Tango - John Powell
5. That's Amore - Frank Sinatra
6. Suddently I see - Ugly Betty Soundtrack
7. El Capitalismo - Gotan Project
8. Le Mepris - Georges Delerue
9. Turn me On - Nora Jones
10. Black & Gold - Sam Sparro
Obviously every song hat its own meaning ;) Ok.. Its time to eat! Byebye A. Ps.. in the next post --> a special video! (if i understand how it works...)
Some things
Yesterday evening I was really sad.
Cuz u know... I have ill parets and they are not so young.
And the quetion is: will they live until I keep my diplom? to see one day my children?
It s so a bad thing i know...
but when I was a little girl... I never thought about it.. it was "normal" live in this situation. But now, i'm never at home.. and I worry a lot about..
lets me speak about something happier!! =)
Today (my god is so coler than yesterday) is my last day in TI and then.. home sweet home!!! I hope only that this night doesn't com the snow....
And at the evening I have a dinner with my ex cllege class..
But now? What do I do now?
Of course, I keep 13903820197402 clothes and I go out to search my fashion magazines <3 3ll3 and Fl@ir and V0gu3 =)
I survived without for a couple of days.. but now i neeeeeed absolutly it!
No, I'm not a fashion victim. It's just that i have anything to read, nly the stuff that i have to .. learn.. so a magazine... that i like very much.. can do the difference!
So, I go!
Have a nice saturday! And.. please... do something!! :D
Ps.. I miss ..
Cuz u know... I have ill parets and they are not so young.
And the quetion is: will they live until I keep my diplom? to see one day my children?
It s so a bad thing i know...
but when I was a little girl... I never thought about it.. it was "normal" live in this situation. But now, i'm never at home.. and I worry a lot about..
lets me speak about something happier!! =)
Today (my god is so coler than yesterday) is my last day in TI and then.. home sweet home!!! I hope only that this night doesn't com the snow....
And at the evening I have a dinner with my ex cllege class..
But now? What do I do now?
Of course, I keep 13903820197402 clothes and I go out to search my fashion magazines <3 3ll3 and Fl@ir and V0gu3 =)
I survived without for a couple of days.. but now i neeeeeed absolutly it!
No, I'm not a fashion victim. It's just that i have anything to read, nly the stuff that i have to .. learn.. so a magazine... that i like very much.. can do the difference!
So, I go!
Have a nice saturday! And.. please... do something!! :D
Ps.. I miss ..
Friday, 26 December 2008
Xmas day
Good morning people!
Well.. thx to all x the greetings!!!
but Xmas 08 is already went!
And my man... where i my man? ehehhe
No stop joking!
If people followed my ... we can say... ex blog in msn space, we can recall my critics towards society, pilitics, and why not...the simple everyday life.
Actually I rellay want do a observation about the p0l1ce here... but i thought... It xmas time.. why should I be so sour now, too?
So, be patient and wait :D eheh
Yesterdey I didn't want to go out.. but at the end I sayd.. "A., u go never out! my god... please do something social!!!" soooo.. I said YES!
We, I and G., have been to Vanilla, and.. OMG...
his is the last time that I go, rellay!
The people... the location.. the air... AHHHHHHHHH
and my favourite exit.... "WHAT IS THIS?!"
SG is totally nicer and... especially the people.. there's no comparison between Ticino and this little piece of paradise...
And my flat... I miss my flat.. My panorama... My tranquility...
And... ya, U KNOW WHAT :)
Let's go to study BWL KK.
Enjoy the day... don't eat too much (I lost wight, too XD )
And... Baci baci
ps... i have to say a special thx to D.
Little I'm so sorry about what appened between us! but now I'm totally sure that u are the best =)
Ti voglio bene and.. thx for all! And remember that I'm alway here, 4u, (especially xU), although I cannot teletrasport myself in Ticino when u need it... but.. speake can be usefull! And I know something about it....
Well.. thx to all x the greetings!!!
but Xmas 08 is already went!
And my man... where i my man? ehehhe
No stop joking!
If people followed my ... we can say... ex blog in msn space, we can recall my critics towards society, pilitics, and why not...the simple everyday life.
Actually I rellay want do a observation about the p0l1ce here... but i thought... It xmas time.. why should I be so sour now, too?
So, be patient and wait :D eheh
Yesterdey I didn't want to go out.. but at the end I sayd.. "A., u go never out! my god... please do something social!!!" soooo.. I said YES!
We, I and G., have been to Vanilla, and.. OMG...
his is the last time that I go, rellay!
The people... the location.. the air... AHHHHHHHHH
and my favourite exit.... "WHAT IS THIS?!"
SG is totally nicer and... especially the people.. there's no comparison between Ticino and this little piece of paradise...
And my flat... I miss my flat.. My panorama... My tranquility...
And... ya, U KNOW WHAT :)
Let's go to study BWL KK.
Enjoy the day... don't eat too much (I lost wight, too XD )
And... Baci baci
ps... i have to say a special thx to D.
Little I'm so sorry about what appened between us! but now I'm totally sure that u are the best =)
Ti voglio bene and.. thx for all! And remember that I'm alway here, 4u, (especially xU), although I cannot teletrasport myself in Ticino when u need it... but.. speake can be usefull! And I know something about it....
Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Bad Bad Bad Santa Claus!
I asked a MAN!
not different types of linings for the bed!
But it can be very useful..
mhh.. some candels....
mhh.... other candels.. who said to santa Claus that i'm crazy for candels??!?! my god! eheheh My other secret!
Mhh... oh!!! lingerie! yess :D
and... mhh..
My phone.. (Prada)
a television...(uhh!! with WII!! <3<3)
Champagne! :D
a... what?!?!
and make-up
a bag (wow!)
some films
ok i do a crisi..a big giant crisis now!
buuuuuuuuuuu :D ajajaja
no please...i'm not so desperate... i was waiting for soooo long x a man..i can still wait a long time!!!
Ps... if a someone.. is number is... 07***"**"+%+*&%"+&/ :D
Merry Xmas!!!

Befor I forget ..
Merry Xmassss to all!!
I know that there isn't soo much people who read here.. but...
Today? Ya!! Studied!
And... mh...
And... mhh.. anything else :D
This evening I can open my gifts! (Yes, I did the good girl this year! like ever!)
After.. if the champaign stille gives me the opportunity to do so, I come here and i write what i recived...
There is only one thing that i cannot good understand...
WHY there isn't a gift with a human form?
i asked a MAN!!! (et voilä la conclusion!!!) (not only one.. but minimum one!!)
And there isn't A man here.. only my father...but he isn't a man x me!
A. s tooootally saaaad :(:(:((((( buuu...
Bax Bax
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
BAD A.!!! I can not concentrate ... and i have to study -___-
my mind is... no... no one should know it. But unfortunately some M., A., R. and L. know what is happening into my mind.... ohhh poooooor girls :( eheheh
I miss uuu :( and I miss SG sooo much! My god.. I hate here and I hate some people here.. I always do the countdown :D and, thx, sunday can i return home, my new home! And to my favourite biblio... with my favourite place and my favourite muesli..i'm totally crazy for this muesli!! OMG! it's like an o... ahha no please... I wont be vulgar!
Ya because one this that i'm sure is, that i HATE vulgar things!!
Not for nohing my favourite film is
But I remain here with a very difficult question:
is better the couple Barbie&Ken or Chuck&Blair? I know.. Chuck and Blair... but ... Barbie and Ken are sooo lovely... aren't they?
Just... have to decide :D And somebody knows why! But I'm totaly sure that ...
.... u have to wait the next episode ;)
my mind is... no... no one should know it. But unfortunately some M., A., R. and L. know what is happening into my mind.... ohhh poooooor girls :( eheheh
I miss uuu :( and I miss SG sooo much! My god.. I hate here and I hate some people here.. I always do the countdown :D and, thx, sunday can i return home, my new home! And to my favourite biblio... with my favourite place and my favourite muesli..i'm totally crazy for this muesli!! OMG! it's like an o... ahha no please... I wont be vulgar!
Ya because one this that i'm sure is, that i HATE vulgar things!!
Not for nohing my favourite film is
Breakfast at Tiffany's
ehehhe :PBut I remain here with a very difficult question:
is better the couple Barbie&Ken or Chuck&Blair? I know.. Chuck and Blair... but ... Barbie and Ken are sooo lovely... aren't they?
Just... have to decide :D And somebody knows why! But I'm totaly sure that ...
.... u have to wait the next episode ;)
Ps....Sorry x my english.. but i don't speak from.... ya... it's 3-4 months... because when i was in "ticino" i met an hockey player from california... and he speak english. butttt... he is went toooo Finland and i m here in SG... and now i have to speak english only with Titino...!!! Who is titino?
Hehehe... I show him only at the end :P
He is .. was... my lov.. we were married... and all was so nice and so cool... i knowed Titino from my childhood and...
but this idiot.. do u know what? he is went with a friend... SO WHAAAATTTT?
and now i'm alone (a clue x the questionnaire :D) ahahhaha
but... ya.. i enjoy xmas with a bottle champagne only for me :D
So... have a nice evening.. and night.. and all!
Titino :D
Hehehe... I show him only at the end :P
He is .. was... my lov.. we were married... and all was so nice and so cool... i knowed Titino from my childhood and...
but this idiot.. do u know what? he is went with a friend... SO WHAAAATTTT?
and now i'm alone (a clue x the questionnaire :D) ahahhaha
but... ya.. i enjoy xmas with a bottle champagne only for me :D
So... have a nice evening.. and night.. and all!

What A. wants for Xmas
"Voilà" my first post
The first thing that i want to show u is my newwww phone:

It's the new LG Prada... and is soooo cute and pretty and... oh my god! I'm totally in love :D
Now i desire to remember to Santa Claus what I want for Xmas... and that is really important for me :D
The question is... what Alessia desires for Xmas?
The answer....??! U have t wait...!! But before to recive it, u can do a little questionnaire, too, and discover how much u know me :P
I have to say, that it isn't so difficult.. So, good luck!!
The first thing that i want to show u is my newwww phone:

It's the new LG Prada... and is soooo cute and pretty and... oh my god! I'm totally in love :D
Now i desire to remember to Santa Claus what I want for Xmas... and that is really important for me :D
The question is... what Alessia desires for Xmas?
The answer....??! U have t wait...!! But before to recive it, u can do a little questionnaire, too, and discover how much u know me :P
I have to say, that it isn't so difficult.. So, good luck!!

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