Friday 8 May 2009

Sex, Charme and some Telefilms

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A. is back, in @T an has a lot of work to do.
Unfortunately my relax-weekend is not so relaxing anymore... and tomorrow and sunday I must wake up at 6o'clock and do two driving courses for 8 hours pro day...
monday i will be exausted, and I have to work for my Club, too.
Uhhh.... poor A!

I have todo a prgramme for my summer... and because my beloved M and A aren't disponible for a relax expensive trip, I'm looking for somebody... maybe my cat..?
I desire to do a sommer school......mhmm...

And yesterday I was at a dinner with some friends. Thx D. for the invitation! It was very nice and i really enjoyed it! The dessert was superb ;)

Finally, I am shocked about Gossip Girl..OMG! We all love Chuck Bass and we are fun of teh B-C couple... but.. what is this final?! PLEASEEE
But now I go to watch a new episode of Nip & Tuck! All the girls say that one of the two protagonists is WOW, a Very Beautiful Guy, but... i don't think so.
Yesterday we spoke about beautiful and charming people and I think that T has reason to day that for the women is more important that a man has CHARME, than that he is ebautiful and looks good.
Actually I find that this theroy is very good, because... ehehhe.. no.. i don't want to explain that, and I think that all the women who wanna read this post agree with this.

An other Hot-Point of the evening was when J said that the women who are smart and intellgent have greater sex that the women who are stupid. The eplanation is: the smart women can better feel the desires and the feelings of the partner and respon to te..incentives :D
what do u think about that?
--->>>> answer to the question ---->>>>>>

So, now i really want to watch this episode.. so: have a nice evening and please, don't do too musch party... because i cannot go out... and it s very very sad!!!


1 comment:

  1. haha u r crazyy and i guess that's why i love u so much!see u next week??! endsemesterpartyyyy =)
    miss u!
