Thursday, 19 February 2009

Post revisited - too much errors :D nc

omg... yesterday.. what for a day..i posted the last thing.. and then...
i said something about a good news..and it came a bad bad bad news.
But what could i do? return to ticino for this person? when i could do anything? or rest here and enjoy the night?
at the end...i decided for the second.
but in the middle of the party... an other bad news.... and the alcohol helped my tears... my god!
but... i thought.. if i cannot do REALLY ANYTHING, why i'm staying here, to cry, when i can .. well, when i can think to something a little bit happier?
ja.. and i enjoied the night.. more or less, well..
maybe it wasn't so right for this person, but i think that he can understad.

now, i followed what happened in venezuela. i'm shocked, totally.
what does it mean democracy?
omg... but maybe is better if i don't speak about it. i wont to be rude, now. no! i'm too tired eheheh...
but i cannot sleep. strange?! na... i lost 100102'8e390127841919478 hours (sleep-hours) and i don't know WHY. if i did party, ok.. but no party! and no sleep.... uhh :(

I want to say another thing: how is difficult to thake, everyday, some decision. little, too. drink some pineapple juice or only orange juice?
and wear the red pullover? or the blue? ehehhe
no.. i mean a little more importat things. like....sleep less and study more, so i can do more party and... other stuff.
but sleep is important, too.

well. stop with stupid thoughts. but the next post... i want to write some more interesting things.


ps.... M. tut mir leid bella... but i'm here. :) call me if u need something
and D. smak ;) and thx for ur comments

1 comment:

  1. Hey... yesterday I saw him.
    Two days ago I saw him like a bad man, the ennemy! But yesterday....
    I know what I have to do... but I don't know how. I hope this carnival will end as soon as possible.
    I love you.
