Monday, 5 January 2009

thoughts about rleligion

Hello hello!!
Sorry If i didn't wrtite anymore... but i was rellay busy with my thoughts ehehe

I have so mucht things to write.. think that at the end i'll write ,,,,anything :D

I go always to do a walk at the evning... to think... to distract from the school... to keep some air... and everytime i feel me so better
when i'm walking and running in the snow, so innocent, whatching the moon, without any problems.

yesterday i wanted to talk about religion.
i'm atheist but i respect the people how have different opinions and beliefs.
but my opinion is that the religion is only to give at the humans something ... so they cannot feel alone, lost in this very cruel world. but i think.... if all were atheist? if nobody believed in anything?
of coruse, there were no religion wars... no crusades, no milions and milions deads, only to put a religion over the other....
but what could happen with the humans?
some of us really need something with they can survive.
some people who lost all.... or some people who don't have anything. thei have their faith. the onlyone solution..or better... distraction.. to what they have to support every day, every hours, every minutes.
because i think that wthout the religion, a lot of us would already becomed crazy...

but speak about something not so sad....
no idea! heheheh
i let u so, sorry. but next i post a video :)


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