Saturday, 31 January 2009
Happy go Lucky
Hi people, welcome back..and I(!) am back
unfortunately i returned home...u know that i don't like stay here.. and yesterday someone has recalled me WHY i don't like stay here.
I just desire to say all my disappointment...
really. And it's a little bit a scandal, that in 10 hours that i was here, i already wanted to return home, my new home sweet home.
Anyway... the exames i really hope that I did all good... i love this school, really. and i worked a lot.
Some people thought that i couldn't do this. For the language, and that i was alone, i live alone, and all..
but i deostrated what i can do.
so... voilà!
Have a nice weekend,
ps... i hope that D come this evening,cuz, baby ;) i really want to see u bella!
I miss u!
And i'm so megamega happy that M and A come here! to do carnevale with me!! omg! ehehhe :)
i love u! sooo much much much ;)
unfortunately i returned home...u know that i don't like stay here.. and yesterday someone has recalled me WHY i don't like stay here.
I just desire to say all my disappointment...
really. And it's a little bit a scandal, that in 10 hours that i was here, i already wanted to return home, my new home sweet home.
Anyway... the exames i really hope that I did all good... i love this school, really. and i worked a lot.
Some people thought that i couldn't do this. For the language, and that i was alone, i live alone, and all..
but i deostrated what i can do.
so... voilà!
Have a nice weekend,
ps... i hope that D come this evening,cuz, baby ;) i really want to see u bella!
I miss u!
And i'm so megamega happy that M and A come here! to do carnevale with me!! omg! ehehhe :)
i love u! sooo much much much ;)
Monday, 26 January 2009
About the state
After the news about the resignation of the island premier i begin to think...
what does it mean a resignation?
that a premien cannot more "save the situation"? but in this cane.. who can do it? if a man is a premier, it normally means that he has the capacity to govern a state. but when this man cannot do something to save its state, 2ho can do something?
if a man do te resignation, it doesn't mean that the situation is a bigbig s***?
and if its so... who can the state go out of from this crisis?
unfortunately i have no answer
ps... please, answer to my new question -->>>> thx
what does it mean a resignation?
that a premien cannot more "save the situation"? but in this cane.. who can do it? if a man is a premier, it normally means that he has the capacity to govern a state. but when this man cannot do something to save its state, 2ho can do something?
if a man do te resignation, it doesn't mean that the situation is a bigbig s***?
and if its so... who can the state go out of from this crisis?
unfortunately i have no answer
ps... please, answer to my new question -->>>> thx
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Saturday, 24 January 2009
.. happy!
today 5 hours only mathe... but i did all the old exames.. ad now only polic. eco and then... done!!
today 5 hours only mathe... but i did all the old exames.. ad now only polic. eco and then... done!!
Friday, 23 January 2009
do three words say too much?
Do 3 words say too much?
This i a question that is everytime in my mind..not EVERYtime.. but...
I have never been in love, and never said i<3u
and so i think... can i really love? my heart is really big.. but does it be enoough?
mh.. maybe it's just because i never met a man who has never disappointed me
it s so bad to say..
but return to the reality... the exames reality..
i had and m going to have exames..
law and "bwl" for firt.. i studied soooooooo much :(but i have no idea how are they went...
i have always a good feeling...and i believ ALWAYS in my feelings, cuz at the 99,9999% they say the thrue.. and someone can confirm this! :) u know something about it? ehehheheheh NC
anyway..i'm waiting for mathe... u know that it is one of my favourite thins.. and now i can do an exam... that i really great find!
and then vwl..i waten policy eco study.. but at the end i think that i'll study bwl
and the wetter is totally crazy now..
I have alway fear of thunderstorms..and im TOTALLY ALONE! :'((((((((
plese!!! can someone save me? please!
ps... I want to go to "my new bff" or... "favor of love 3"
es wäre mega cooollll ahahhaha :P
ok i go sleeping now.. no.. ahaha it's a joke.. i take some relax... i bath....mhhh....
and then bo!!!!
have a nice ... evening...and night.. and all
--> next!!!
This i a question that is everytime in my mind..not EVERYtime.. but...
I have never been in love, and never said i<3u
and so i think... can i really love? my heart is really big.. but does it be enoough?
mh.. maybe it's just because i never met a man who has never disappointed me
it s so bad to say..
but return to the reality... the exames reality..
i had and m going to have exames..
law and "bwl" for firt.. i studied soooooooo much :(but i have no idea how are they went...
i have always a good feeling...and i believ ALWAYS in my feelings, cuz at the 99,9999% they say the thrue.. and someone can confirm this! :) u know something about it? ehehheheheh NC
anyway..i'm waiting for mathe... u know that it is one of my favourite thins.. and now i can do an exam... that i really great find!
and then vwl..i waten policy eco study.. but at the end i think that i'll study bwl
and the wetter is totally crazy now..
I have alway fear of thunderstorms..and im TOTALLY ALONE! :'((((((((
plese!!! can someone save me? please!
ps... I want to go to "my new bff" or... "favor of love 3"
es wäre mega cooollll ahahhaha :P
ok i go sleeping now.. no.. ahaha it's a joke.. i take some relax... i bath....mhhh....
and then bo!!!!
have a nice ... evening...and night.. and all
--> next!!!
Thursday, 15 January 2009
the school, the law, and me
Yesterday i thought that the day didn't past more...('s right?ehhe)
ant tonight i dreamed sooo bad... yawnnn
but today,,,,from 8 in the 1 hour break and then i go back to biblio...
i'll come back at the 9 i think..or something so...
everyday is a fight between me and the law ehehhe :P
but.. i have to win...!!
but frst of all i have to concentrate myself and study.... not fly with my mind i-don't-know-where (or do I?mha!)
sooo... now my 30-mins-sleep-thing-bo
so can i dream a little bit,since during the night i cannot do it so well
ant tonight i dreamed sooo bad... yawnnn
but today,,,,from 8 in the 1 hour break and then i go back to biblio...
i'll come back at the 9 i think..or something so...
everyday is a fight between me and the law ehehhe :P
but.. i have to win...!!
but frst of all i have to concentrate myself and study.... not fly with my mind i-don't-know-where (or do I?mha!)
sooo... now my 30-mins-sleep-thing-bo
so can i dream a little bit,since during the night i cannot do it so well
Sunday, 11 January 2009
The big freezer
I hate sunday.. is so boring.. my god!
so.. i present u my freezer ahhahha...
are u schoked? don't always so..
the rivella is for my mom, when she come to visit me...
the beer is.. for nobody, cuz nobody drinks beer... and.. i hate beer.. but.. who knows?
ahah :)
and then the M!gros red bull$ to learn
the cranberry, lime and lemon juice to do the cocktails ehehhe
and of course the wather... attention to drink 1,5-2 l. pro day!!!
my god, today i was so tired that i didn't so.. anything.. only a chapter.. repetition...
but... so yaaawnnn
so... have a great evening.
and learn, pelase! don't do like me :D
baci baci
so.. i present u my freezer ahhahha...

the rivella is for my mom, when she come to visit me...
the beer is.. for nobody, cuz nobody drinks beer... and.. i hate beer.. but.. who knows?
ahah :)
and then the M!gros red bull$ to learn
the cranberry, lime and lemon juice to do the cocktails ehehhe
and of course the wather... attention to drink 1,5-2 l. pro day!!!
my god, today i was so tired that i didn't so.. anything.. only a chapter.. repetition...
but... so yaaawnnn
so... have a great evening.
and learn, pelase! don't do like me :D
baci baci
Friday, 9 January 2009
Ice Wine
Hallo peoople!!
Today? i'm happy!
and someone knows why
but the other thing is .. i think.... eat
i didn't good eat for some days... 5-6..
only a muesli at the morning and... breakfast and a little salat at 16.00... and then anythng more.
but today.. OMG
i eated a so big mega ultra super sandwich... ehhehe and then i felt me better...
i think that food can something do wth feelings!!
but it's not the only one explanation...
shh... i Karim and Maja b-day..!!!
or.. happy bday too uu ehehhe
for ur luck here cannot hear my voice... cuz i cannot sing ehehhe :P
today i want to speak aboute ice wine
it s a wine that...
is collected at night, with -10°
the price is high but.. it s sweet!!and i loe sweet things
learn: i finished with the kkarten
so i can concetrate myself only with exercices.
have a nice evening... night.. not so much party (Martin pease, studying too ehehe)
ps... there is a big gossip: P@ris Hilt0n with G Cl00ney... omg... it s so.. like a chuck bass with a .. something like V@leria M@rini..bleee so chich... bha!
Mr. Cl00ney.. i'm totally disappointed!!!!
(pps.. i love red eheh, and black, too, and the color of my eyes, too... but u have still to understand what kind of colors they have...)
Today? i'm happy!
and someone knows why
but the other thing is .. i think.... eat
i didn't good eat for some days... 5-6..
only a muesli at the morning and... breakfast and a little salat at 16.00... and then anythng more.
but today.. OMG
i eated a so big mega ultra super sandwich... ehhehe and then i felt me better...
i think that food can something do wth feelings!!
but it's not the only one explanation...
shh... i Karim and Maja b-day..!!!
or.. happy bday too uu ehehhe
for ur luck here cannot hear my voice... cuz i cannot sing ehehhe :P
today i want to speak aboute ice wine
it s a wine that...
is collected at night, with -10°
the price is high but.. it s sweet!!and i loe sweet things
learn: i finished with the kkarten
so i can concetrate myself only with exercices.
have a nice evening... night.. not so much party (Martin pease, studying too ehehe)
ps... there is a big gossip: P@ris Hilt0n with G Cl00ney... omg... it s so.. like a chuck bass with a .. something like V@leria M@rini..bleee so chich... bha!
Mr. Cl00ney.. i'm totally disappointed!!!!
(pps.. i love red eheh, and black, too, and the color of my eyes, too... but u have still to understand what kind of colors they have...)
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Or I stop to think too much, or I'll just become crazy.
ps. M. T.v.B.
and C. DON'T WORRY! ok? u have still time. u'll find a solution! :)
ps. M. T.v.B.
and C. DON'T WORRY! ok? u have still time. u'll find a solution! :)
Monday, 5 January 2009
Secret Garden
There are two things that i love:
1. cook
2. dance (over the ice or not, and this music... )
the other .. well.. i cannot reveal all about myself... if not i become boring, don't i?
enjoy the video
1. cook
2. dance (over the ice or not, and this music... )
the other .. well.. i cannot reveal all about myself... if not i become boring, don't i?
enjoy the video
thoughts about rleligion
Hello hello!!
Sorry If i didn't wrtite anymore... but i was rellay busy with my thoughts ehehe
I have so mucht things to write.. think that at the end i'll write ,,,,anything :D
I go always to do a walk at the evning... to think... to distract from the school... to keep some air... and everytime i feel me so better
when i'm walking and running in the snow, so innocent, whatching the moon, without any problems.
yesterday i wanted to talk about religion.
i'm atheist but i respect the people how have different opinions and beliefs.
but my opinion is that the religion is only to give at the humans something ... so they cannot feel alone, lost in this very cruel world. but i think.... if all were atheist? if nobody believed in anything?
of coruse, there were no religion wars... no crusades, no milions and milions deads, only to put a religion over the other....
but what could happen with the humans?
some of us really need something with they can survive.
some people who lost all.... or some people who don't have anything. thei have their faith. the onlyone solution..or better... distraction.. to what they have to support every day, every hours, every minutes.
because i think that wthout the religion, a lot of us would already becomed crazy...
but speak about something not so sad....
no idea! heheheh
i let u so, sorry. but next i post a video :)
Sorry If i didn't wrtite anymore... but i was rellay busy with my thoughts ehehe
I have so mucht things to write.. think that at the end i'll write ,,,,anything :D
I go always to do a walk at the evning... to think... to distract from the school... to keep some air... and everytime i feel me so better
when i'm walking and running in the snow, so innocent, whatching the moon, without any problems.
yesterday i wanted to talk about religion.
i'm atheist but i respect the people how have different opinions and beliefs.
but my opinion is that the religion is only to give at the humans something ... so they cannot feel alone, lost in this very cruel world. but i think.... if all were atheist? if nobody believed in anything?
of coruse, there were no religion wars... no crusades, no milions and milions deads, only to put a religion over the other....
but what could happen with the humans?
some of us really need something with they can survive.
some people who lost all.... or some people who don't have anything. thei have their faith. the onlyone solution..or better... distraction.. to what they have to support every day, every hours, every minutes.
because i think that wthout the religion, a lot of us would already becomed crazy...
but speak about something not so sad....
no idea! heheheh
i let u so, sorry. but next i post a video :)
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Friday, 2 January 2009
A. is crying
Hallo people...
i'm rellay dead tired...
this morning from 8 to 15.30 in biblio...
and now my brain is saying:
"A. .... if u continue to study... i go away!!"
I'm crying
But even my brain remins, my thoughts fly away...
Tomorrow morning is shopping morning. in ZH
sooo :D i go alone. someone wants to come?
i have almost finished with bwl and mathe.
SO.... only Recht and VWL ... i'm crying again ehehhe
i go sleep... and dream
bye bye...
i'm rellay dead tired...
this morning from 8 to 15.30 in biblio...
and now my brain is saying:
"A. .... if u continue to study... i go away!!"
I'm crying
But even my brain remins, my thoughts fly away...
Tomorrow morning is shopping morning. in ZH
sooo :D i go alone. someone wants to come?
i have almost finished with bwl and mathe.
SO.... only Recht and VWL ... i'm crying again ehehhe
i go sleep... and dream
bye bye...
Thursday, 1 January 2009
The most important list of the year
Hello hello people and good morning :D ehehehhe
We are in 2009!!
My god... i cannot think that a year is already went... so much things and...
From my illness to ice skating, from the end of college to the begin of a new life...
and Berlin, with C.
and new friends (i <3 u M. A. L. and R. ;) )
and new perspectives, new feelings... my god...
i have o say that my life is totally changed in 2008. maybe too much. sometimes i feel myself totally lost
But now is the time to do the fateful list...
1. pass the semester
2. don't re-begin to smoke
3. reduce the stress
4. don't spend sooo much for fashion (impossible.. but it s the thought that counts.. doesn't it? eheh)
5. continue to be a good girl
6. search a job
7. adopt another children (from distance)
in this moment i don't have so much ideas... but... maybe in the futur i'll uptade the list. is never too late to do good things!!
Happy nw year one more time!
And enjoy all the good things and moments and all! =)
with love,
We are in 2009!!
My god... i cannot think that a year is already went... so much things and...
From my illness to ice skating, from the end of college to the begin of a new life...
and Berlin, with C.
and new friends (i <3 u M. A. L. and R. ;) )
and new perspectives, new feelings... my god...
i have o say that my life is totally changed in 2008. maybe too much. sometimes i feel myself totally lost
But now is the time to do the fateful list...
1. pass the semester
2. don't re-begin to smoke
3. reduce the stress
4. don't spend sooo much for fashion (impossible.. but it s the thought that counts.. doesn't it? eheh)
5. continue to be a good girl
6. search a job
7. adopt another children (from distance)
in this moment i don't have so much ideas... but... maybe in the futur i'll uptade the list. is never too late to do good things!!
Happy nw year one more time!
And enjoy all the good things and moments and all! =)
with love,
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